Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Making up for the past... Part II

Since the project has started we have submitted various documents. Following the Requirements document was the Management document. This covered how we would be managing the project - hence the name - and how we would we would schedule our time. Granted a bit of it seemed like fluff - how much experience can we, as 'young' students, claim? Also, our 'team organization' section essentially said that everyone would be doing everything, except for Andy, who's our team leader. But that's the only difference.

For this project/class given the time, to me, is a little silly. However, given a large corporation or development team, this would be invaluable. And it is good practice to see and write a document like this. So, although it seems like I'm complaining a tad bit, I see the value behind it.

ps. I kind of wish I could see if the company I work for has or had a document like this...maybe I should ask them.

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